November 11 NRW Meeting Features Special Forces Physician Involved in Capture of Saddam Hussein

Dr. Mark Green, the flight surgeon for the special operations task force assigned to capture Saddam Hussein will be the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Nashville Republican Women (NRW) on Wednesday, November 11th, 10:45 a.m.,

at the Richland Country Club, Brentwood, TN.

No reservation is necessary for the program but a reservation is required by 11/6 for the optional $20 lunch served after the presentation. Complimentary coffee will be served at 10:45 a.m. followed by the 11 a.m. program. For further details or to pay for a lunch reservation online visit:

Green, who currently serves as President of the Emergency Services Network, Nashville, TN, is author of the book "A Night with Saddam" which chronicles the medical aspects of the special operations missions of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the five-hour conversation that Dr. Green had with Saddam Hussein on the night of

his capture. The book describes the challenges of modern warfare, especially the

medical aspects as well as the human dimension from the eyes of the doctor supporting the Nation's most elite special operations forces. Dr. Green reveals many of the challenges faced by Army Special Operations medical personnel

both during the hunt for the weapons of mass destruction as well as the search for

senior Iraqi officials from the Hussein regime.

Contact: Lynda Hayes, Publicity Chair, Nashville Republican Women (215) 757-2501