Medicare can be "maddening", but it is also an important health care benefit. Understanding how to access and utilize this benefit is paramount to those who are elderly or disabled and qualify for the program.
The fall months of the year are particularly important to the Medicare beneficiary.
The 2010 Medicare plan data is released to the public via, "Medicare & You 2010" handbook, and private plan benefit booklets. Beneficiaries should pay close attention to their new handbook and other materials sent to them in October explaining next year's benefit changes.
In addition, during the month of October private plans can begin marketing. The television commercials and radio ads will be airing as well as public information sessions held throughout the country.
November 15th
Open enrollment begins for Medicare health and drug plans. This is the first day beneficiaries can enroll into plans for 2010. Enrollment can take place through the Medicare website or directly with the plan's customer service.
December 31st
This is the last day to enroll into a Medicare D drug plan. After New Year's Eve, you are locked into or out of drug coverage for 2010.
January 1st – March 31st
This is an extended enrollment period for Medicare Advantage plans only. Beneficiaries can drop, add, or switch Medicare Advantage (or Medicare health plan) during this time.
Those on Medicare should weigh their options carefully. Things to consider are provider networks, drug coverage, and affordability of both health and drug coverage. Attend an information session, call for help, and ask questions. It is your health – it is your Medicare – it is your choice.
Mary Beth Best
President & Program Manager of Voice, Inc.
Independent Nonprofit Organization – helping those on Medicare